About Us

The tale of RIVTEK unfolds amidst the scenic beauty of central Idaho's Main Salmon River, where in 1992, a young Ben Tester, aged only eight, embarked on his inaugural whitewater rafting adventure. Over five exhilarating days and 79 miles of flowing waters, Ben found himself enraptured by the thrill of the experience, igniting within him a lifelong passion for the sport.
Ben and his family rafting the Main Salmon
Ben and his family on the Main Salmon

Upon attaining his driver's license, Ben's fervor for rafting only deepened. His parents purchased a weathered 1995 NRS 14-foot raft, a relic of past commercial expeditions. Undeterred by its worn appearance, Ben eagerly led rafting excursions with his high school and college friends, seizing every opportunity to navigate the rushing rapids.

Years later, Ben's journey intertwined with love when he met Katie, his beloved wife-to-be. Eager to share his passion, Ben orchestrated a memorable rafting trip in 2013, inviting Katie, his mother, Katie's mother, and her sprightly 75-year-old grandmother to traverse the Main Payette River. However, amidst the adventure, Ben noticed the discomfort and instability experienced by his family, as they struggled to maintain their balance, often tumbling within the raft amidst the tumultuous rapids.

Katie, Ben, Susie and Jean
Katie (wife), Ben, Susie (mother-in-law), and Jean (grandmother-in law)

The aftermath revealed a few bumps, bruises, and scratches, prompting Ben to ponder the necessity for a safer and more comfortable rafting experience. Driven by this revelation, he embarked on a journey of innovation, meticulously crafting prototype after prototype in pursuit of a solution.

Finally, in the year 2024, Ben's tireless efforts culminated in the perfection of his design. Today, rafters are presented with several RIVTEK options, each boasting meticulously crafted features engineered to prioritize safety and comfort. These innovations promise not just a thrilling adventure on the water, but also a journey characterized by relaxation and peace of mind, ensuring every moment is enjoyed to the fullest.